New Year
As tradition I celebrated New Year together with my family. We had a nice lunch, with some home-made farmbread and cheese before watching a horror-movie (the disappeared...don´t understand the point of the movie!) At 19.30 we had dinner. Delicious meat and gravy with different mushrooms (dad´s work) and pommes chateu and vegetables (mum´s work) and red wine. Delicious! My sister soon after headed for a party with her friends but the rest of us stayed at home. Watched one of the best movies I ever seen (even though I´m not a big fan of science fiction): Avatar! I finally understand after seeing it why people are making such a big fuss out of this really is a masterpiece! While watching the movie I prepared a snack-table (as tradition) with chips, chocolate with brandy and chocolate with champagne, other "child"-chocolate, sodas....oh, yeah and mini-hotdogs for our dog (bought them in a cosy animal store in Ljubljana). When the clock stroke midnight I got the honor of opening the champagne. I can now say that I´m an expert of this. My cork flew in a perfect bow, toched gently the ceiling in our living room and landed softly on the floor without injuring noone or nothing! A smash success for me! Everyone thought I was brilliant...or they didn´t. Didn´t actually see the look on their faces since I was way to concentrated on my cork.

And when my sister came home from her party, we cuddled up in my bed, drank champagne, ate chocolate, hade some facials (I did, she didn´t want to) and watched "The Big Bang Theory" on her laptop. Good times, good times!

And when my sister came home from her party, we cuddled up in my bed, drank champagne, ate chocolate, hade some facials (I did, she didn´t want to) and watched "The Big Bang Theory" on her laptop. Good times, good times!
