Italian supper

Day before depature. Feels kinda sad actually...but at the same time I´m very exited and I can´t wait to see them all in Slovenia. Today my sister and I took a walk down to our local store where we bought "stuff" for our super-secret dinner and dessert (what am I, like twelve?). Later in the afternoon, after almost two hours of packing and complaint, my mum and I went to pick blueberries. You have to actually drag me and mum out of the woods. On our way back home we stopped and I took some photos. At this moment I´m standing in the kitchen, slicing mushrooms and trying to write at the same time...were making Italino for our family this evening and you have to cook with your heart when it comes to Italian food so I´ll see you guys later.

Postat av: Alexandra

yeah, you cooked bajamajasgryta. riiii-ght.

2009-09-05 @ 16:09:35

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