Last day in Ljubljana...
...went to the hairdresser, Studio Laura in Ljubljana at 10 a.m this morning, shorter (shoulder-lenght) and darker (dark chocolate brown). Got a Christmas present from my excellent hairdresser and a fresh baked crossiant and coffee while waiting. They really spoil us!
While at home I had some packing to do, even though almost everything was ready, so I listened to Bon Jovi, watched it snow outside and got a really nice Christmas feeling. The evening before my friend and I went to the old part of Ljubljana, strolled around and stopped at Lars Bar (a coffe-shop owned by a funny man from Norway) and bought tea at "Chai". Turkish tea with yoghurt is my new favourite! And some nights before we went to the Swedish embassy´s Christmas Party at the castle and before that we hade St. Lucia (I was St.Lucia this year again) in Villesse and Padova in Italy. That was fun! Show you some photos from that day some other time...and all the food we ate ;) hahah...I have never eaten so much salmon in my life!

Ljubljana in all it´s glory!
While at home I had some packing to do, even though almost everything was ready, so I listened to Bon Jovi, watched it snow outside and got a really nice Christmas feeling. The evening before my friend and I went to the old part of Ljubljana, strolled around and stopped at Lars Bar (a coffe-shop owned by a funny man from Norway) and bought tea at "Chai". Turkish tea with yoghurt is my new favourite! And some nights before we went to the Swedish embassy´s Christmas Party at the castle and before that we hade St. Lucia (I was St.Lucia this year again) in Villesse and Padova in Italy. That was fun! Show you some photos from that day some other time...and all the food we ate ;) hahah...I have never eaten so much salmon in my life!

Ljubljana in all it´s glory!