"What You Got"
Yeah, come on "What You Got", let´s go and eat! And after that my dear "What You Got" we are going to put on a moisturazing facial mask and take a long hot shower...hmmm....I wonder if I can bring you to work tomorrow? I bet a hundred bucks that I can´t!
And yes, I´m thinking the same thing as you are: How old am I? Honestly I can tell you (and myself) that when I baked the pie and the rolls earlier today I felt like a 70-year-old grandmother and now like a five year old kid.
Life is confusing sometimes, isn´t it?
Oh well, say lovie.

Recieved another "load" of photos from "the Portoroz-week" with my friends last year.
And this was our "home" (maybe not the best beach in Portoroz, but what the hell, with the right company everything works) where we spent our days (from 09.00 a.m. to 16.00 p.m.) during the week. Afterwards we always stopped for slurpees, cappuccino, fresh squesed orange juice with ice-cubs or youghurt ice-cream with fresh fruit before heading to our (my) real home, take a shower and honour Portoroz with our presence once again, this time without bikinis and sand in our flirty and sunkissed surfhair but with dresses, high heels, makeup and straight hair and ready for dinner (my favourite dish since I can remember and which you can´t take away from me: deep-fried marinated squid).
Let me tell you and you can believe me; we rocked like no one has ever rocked before!
Cooking and Baking
I also took a couple of long walks with my dog, played the piano for a couple of hours, I did some studying, read a really good book by Conn Iggulden (I´m a huge fan) and ah, of course I did some cooking and baking :)
On Saturday evening my brother and I made plenty of Tex Mex (my family love Mexican food btw), enough for a whole army. We "transported" ourselves and our full plates to the living room where we enjoyed episodes of "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" followed by"The Wedding Crashers"...so funny! By the end of the evening my stomach hurt from both eating at laughing to much.
And today, Sunday afternoon, I noticed that a few apples had fallen down from the big apple-tree we have in our backgarden, so I collected a whole basket and made an apple-pie and apple-rolls. And of course, almost no sugar but a lot of apples. Sweeeeeeeet!



Everytime I see photos of Piran (and Portoroz) my heart is filled with pride and joy. I´m really proud of my hometowns (on my mother´s side). Both my mother and my grandmother (and her mother and her mother) were born and raised in Piran/Portoroz. We spent every summer (two months) here since I was born. Before I started first grade in Sweden we lived in Slovenia for ten months and two in Sweden, but from the age of six and up it was the other way around; ten months in Sweden and two in Slovenia. And now when I´m studying it´s the other way around again; ten in Slovenia, two in Sweden. Life is good. During my longer school-holidays I go back to Sweden to visit my parents and to celebrate Christmas and New Year with them and during summers I work in Sweden (my fifth summer now). But for my shorter vacations (halloween, Easter etc) and for the weekends I take the three-hours train-ride to Portoroz from Ljubljana. And since it´s real summer in Portoroz until October, my work-schedule ends in August and school begins in October I normally spend the entire September in Portoroz, enjoying the sun and the Adriatic sea in our sailing club. Play tennis,dive, swim, sail, play minigolf...it´s pretty sweet let me tell you.
One month left now...

Here´s a short essay about the history of Piran. No big history-fan? Skip this text!
In the Piran area the original settlers were Illyrs, who were 178 B.C. evicted by Romans, who in turn settled down in these parts. In the 9th century it was annexed by the Italian kingdom, and then in the year 952 was under the German empire, later the rule in Istria and Piran belonged to the patriarch of Aquilea. The town became an independent feudal estate and had fortified defence walls, which were later extended (from vegetables market of today until present day end of Tartini square - where one of the towers is still visible). Again the might of Venetians prevails and their rule is established in Piran (after a brief war from 1282 until 1283). In the 14th century Piran boasted a school for nobles and rich citizens and that school is one of the oldest in Slovenia. Piran nursed in the middle ages also considerable land appetites, and was thus in frequent bloody battles with the neighbouring towns of Buje and Izola, so much so that even the Venetian Doge was forced to intervene between the sides. In the year 1797 the Venetian supremacy ends and Napoleon sent here Austrian troops (until 1806), but no lasting influence was exercised by them except for construction of outer harbour. The same was under the French (from 1806 until 1813). In the Austrian Habsburg monarchy (from 1813 until 1918) the town of Piran flourished experiencing welfare. After the first world war Piran came under the rule of the Italian state. From year 1991 Piran belongs to the Republic of Slovenia.
Scource: Miracolo Di Mare
Yesterday evening however (when it didn´t rain) I took a walk with my dog and captured this beautiful moment.
I always bring my camera with me wherever I go, beacuse I never know what I might see.

Coast of Slovenia
More photos from the coast of Slovenia.
Venice ´08

Heavenly Kiss
Don´t wait, go and get yourself some ;)

Like a dream...
Everyone who knows me well knows I´m a big spokesperson for everything that is extremely elegant and beautiful. I like soft shapes and colours, my favourite mix of colours are light green, pink, light orange and white or beige. Or mahogny-brown with dark red and beige. Dark furniture works for me as well as light-coloured. I love to have bouquets of flowers everywhere and wonderful crystal vases and stylish mini-statues. Big black and white canvas and photos of my family and friends. I like this antique-modern style, especially when it comes to bedrooms. And all the rooms have to be big and open with losts of light.
My dreamhouse is precisely that...a dream...

Healthy, glowing and younger looking skin
* Blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, and plums.
* Fish and walnuts.
* Low fat yoghurt.
* Carrots - more dark green and orange vegetables.
* Olive oil, extra virgin.
* Whole-wheat bread, turkey, tuna and brazil nuts.
* Green Tea.
* Water - our skin needs at least a half gallon of good clean water -- that's about eight glasses -- every day.
Morning 7.00 am - 9.00 am
1 glas warm water and half a squesed lemon
Low fat youghurt and müsli
10.00 am
1 cup of green tea
Lunch 13.00 pm - 14.00 pm
Salad with fresh vegetables and fish or turkey, olive oil
16.00 p.m
Smoothie made of berries and low fat yoghurt
Nuts and/fresh fruit
19.00 pm
Salad with low fat yoghurt or olive oil.
Whole-wheat bread with turkey/ham/tuna and tomatoes.
8 glasses of water during the day.

Green Tea news
Ok, so Starbucks has launched this new delicious thing: cold green tea topped with whipped cream (frappuccino). I haven´t actually tasted it yet but at least I know what I´ll be geeting next time I see a Starbucks café. The combination of two of my many favourite things, green tea and Starbucks simply can´t go wrong :)
Also try the KitKat chocolate with green tea. However like green tea ice cream, I find that adding sugar and milk to green tea totally ruins the flavour. So, I rather stick to real, just plain green tea.
It would be a dream...

As you might know I adore water and I can´t imagine not living by a lake or sea. Ok, I guess that now when I travel so much between Slovenia and Sweden and other countries I don´t have water "next to me" all the time, but when I settle down somewhere for good (I´m hoping it will be Portoroz, but you never know right?) I´ll have a big white house in spanish style on the hill looking down at Portoroz and the Adriatic Sea. Can you imagine waking up every morning and having this view? Hopefully I´ll also have a big swimmingpool and a vegetable/fruit garden. And I´ll have the most fabulous BBQ-parties for my family and friends.
My mum and dad are planning to move back to Portoroz, my sister will study in Slovenia and my brother is already doing just that, my nona and nono live there, as well as the major part of my very big family with all the realtives and some friends (which are so close, I consider them as my family). Living in Portoroz would be a good thing :) It would be a dream.

There´s a lot going on right now in my life (positive things), not only with my studies and work but other things that I´m planning. You know you get to the end of a couple of years and then you´re like: oh, ok hold on!
You take a deep breath and then you start rushing through life again.
And tomorrow´s Monday and another day at work. I really enjoy working this summer and eventhough the rest of my family is on vacation where they have 35 degrees, sun every day and are chillin´ in our sailing-club from morning to evening I´m not envious. Not at all actually. Maybe beacuse I lived the same life as they live now in June or perhaps because I will live it again in September...or could it be because every summer for two months ever since I´ve been born we have been in Portoroz and done the things you´re suppose to do during a summer: chillin´ on a beach, sail, play tennis, watch the WTA, play minigolf, swim, eat ice-cream, go out to eat (seafood of course), shop, sunbath, hang out with friends at the sailing-club, visit all the realtives and having big family BBQ-parties, celebrate birthdays with gorgeous custom-made cakes from the best bakery in town...yeah, that must be it!
I´m not jealous at all. I´m really enjoying my two months in Sweden. I enjoy working and even better; I love my days when I get off work. I don´t make any plans, I just take the day as it comes.
It´s raining today and I just made "snoddas" (chocolate-cake with shredded coconut). Now it´s time for "Fools Gold". I´ve seen this movie probably a hundred times but it´s so funny! Can´t get enough!

One day we decided we should "climb" a mountain because we wanted to do something healthy and not just shop, sunbath, eat ice-cream and watch Harry Potter! So we went to "Nanos" and we started to walk (no climbing here). It was..hmm...fun! We got a little bit lost, but no worries, we found are way back. And I totally forgot there are a lot of bears in this area, so whenever a bush rustled I was prepared for a battle between me and the bear...but no one seemed to be eager enough to fight me. We walked a couple of hours. We weren´t hungry or tired, nor scared (not all the time anyway) or bored. But we however didn´t reach the top (I´ve actually been on the top before with my family). What actually made us turn back and drive home to Portoroz wasn´t a bear, a snake or a storm. It was...ticks! Millions of ticks. Everywhere! On the ground, on the bushes, on us!!! What could we do? We made a run for it!
At home, well and good, in front of a Harry Potter movie and some ice-cream we decided that the next day we should go diving. Let me tell you, after having a thousands ticks on our arms and legs we could face anything. But seeing a huge crab only one inch from our faces it was all back to ice-cream and Harry Potter.
Ah, the feeling of security!

I feel I just need to tell you. I´m not that scared of insects and sea-animals, and I love the sea and the nature, but being with somebody who is...well it kinda makes you freak out too. And one other thing, we didn´t just watch Harry Potter and eat ice-cream all day long...we were actually out a lot. Time for movies was from 00.00 to 05.00. The day started at 07.00 :)
Good times, good times!
Best songs right now:
1) Halo - Beyoncé
2) Ayo Technology - Milow
3) Sexuality - Rihanna
4) I want it that way (Spanish version) - Hot Banditoz
5) Dirty Dancing - New Kids on the Block
6) Dreams on fire - Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack
7) Good girls gone bad - Cobra Starship ft. Leighton Meester
8) Spin me right round - Flo. rida ft. Keisha
9) Run - Leona Lewis
10) Breakeven - The Script
11) Be my baby - ?
12) Can´t say go - Taio Cruz
13) Is it true? - Yohanna
But if I had to choose three favourites it would have to be "Halo", "Ayo Technology" and "Dreams on fire".
"Halo" and "Dreams on fire" have the most beautiful and romantic lyrics I´ve ever heard in my entire life...the only songs that could "compete" with these two are: "Everywhere you are, there I´ll be" (Faith Hill) and "Everything I do (I do it for you)" (Bryan Adams).
Now, lookie that...it´s H-E-A-V-E-N! What more do you need?

Alex Curran style

Someone other than me who thinks Alex Curran (wife of footballer Steven Gerrard) has an amazing style?
Thank you for the music, Michael!

I need...

...this: a sandbeach, water and sunlight...the Bahamas would be great right now!
Photo: google
This is what I ordered: one cappuccino with chocolate while awaiting the grand finale: one crispy waffle with vanilla ice-cream, hazelnuts and strawberry sauce. I didn´t taste as good as it looked...it was even better!

Memories from Barcelona


Picasso Museum

Gaudí Park


La Sagrada Famila