Cooking and Baking

Puh! No work this weekend :) Feels kinda great after the working-week I had!  And what have I done this rainy and sunny weekend? Well, for starters I tried to sunbath in our garden, the pattern of this mission: sunny for five minutes, cloudy for five minutes , five sunny, five cloudy, five sunny....if that doesn´t drive you nuts I don´t know what does!
I also took a couple of long walks with my dog, played the piano for a couple of hours, I did some studying, read a really good book by Conn Iggulden (I´m a huge fan) and ah, of course I did some cooking and baking :)
On Saturday evening my brother and I made plenty of Tex Mex (my family love Mexican food btw), enough for a whole army. We "transported" ourselves and our full plates to the living room where we enjoyed episodes of "The Simpsons" and "Family Guy" followed by"The Wedding Crashers" funny! By the end of the evening my stomach hurt from both eating at laughing to much.
And today, Sunday afternoon, I noticed that a few apples had fallen down from the big apple-tree we have in our backgarden, so I collected a whole basket and made an apple-pie and apple-rolls. And of course, almost no sugar but a lot of apples. Sweeeeeeeet!


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