
My sister and I took a rather windy and "drizzling" , if I might say, walk around the can really feel it´s geeting colder and colder for each day now. When we came home it was straight to the dinner-table where a home-made soup made of fresh mushrooms was served.
Later in the evening we´ll watch "Hangover" (I´ve already seen but it´s just so hilarious so I can´t miss it!) with some candy. I also took some photos of our "pride and joy", our apple tree. We´ve eaten desserts made from blueberries and/or apples almost every day for two weeks now.

Grease style

My personal favourite is the dark brown one (top, to the right). I love the shape, the collar, the lenght, the fit, everything about it. I have a black and a dark-brown. Perfect together with smart pants or jeans, pumps or ballerinas, a cute top or shirt. Works with everything :)
Big "must haves" if you live in the city

A little break...

Old pics

A study-day always needs a couple of spoons of ice-cream :)

"Fettisdagen". My sister and I went for a refreshing spring-walk down to the town and bought ingredients for "semlor". Well at home we made romantic "semlor" for mum and dad :)

My sister and I did this delicous dessert based on raspberries, whipped cream and her secret chocolate sauce. After we watched "Beause I said so".

Cider with Marabou-chocolate together with an episode of "Merlin". Got to love this combo ;)
Corny Candy Popcorn Balls

Makes 20 popcorn balls.
1. Combine marshmallows and butter in a Dutch oven. Cook over medium-low heat until melted and smooth, stirring occasionally. Remove from heat.
2. Combine popcorn and graham cracker cookies in a big bowl. Pour marshmallow mixture over popcorn mixture, tossing to coat. Stir in candy corn. Spray hands with cooking spray, and shape popcorn mixture into 3-inch balls, pressing together firmly. Cool on wax paper. Wrap balls in plastic wrap. Store in an airtight container up to 3 days
Horror night at our place
Ok, got to go and make some popcorn because you can´t watch a movie without popcorn! What kind of a movie would it be? :)


Shopping deluxe 26.08.09
So you all know the new vampire series called "True Blood", a hit in the U.S? Well, not a hit if you ask me. Pretty boring and very strange...and aren´t vampires supposed to be beautiful (yes, I´ve read all the Twilight-books!)? Nope, nope, I think I concentrate on "Vampire Diaries" instead. Now that´s a great show.
What about tomorrow? Study and pick blueberries. It feels so nice being able to do things like this, no stress, just calm activites and doing things you like. God knows it soon starts again: early mornings, busy days with school, other activities, "running" from on side of the town to another and late nights. Can´t wait to the christmas-holidays...

The best chocolate int the world, if you ask me :)

So you all know I love to take photos. Landscape and food are my favourites (as you might have noticed when reading this blog ;). I love colours eventhough I think beige, white, black, grey, darkblue and darkbrown are most elegant when it comes to clothing, especially in autumn and winter, during summer I love clothes with lots of nice, soft colours. Colours do make one happy and calm. But everything in balance, right?
...I´ll be back in Slovenia (Ljubljana and Portoroz) for the fall. Only one week left in Sweden! Hopefully I´ll be back in late December to celebrate Christmas and New Year with my family. FIngers crossed, ey that I won´t be too busy with school and everything around it so I can catch a flight to Sweden for the holidays. It has worked out just fine every year so far :) No, enough talking, have to practise piano now. Found a couple of great songs on the net which I must try to learn (btw, I went to music-school (piano) for ten years). Have a nice day. See ya!
Farewell... you, my summer header :(
Must haves

I love french-manicure

Blueberry-paradise... all I can say! After picking blueberries for about two hours in the forrest mum did a blueberry-pie with vanilla-cream and blueberry-Schtrudel (sorry, I only know the German word for this dessert). So I´m just about to sit down in the dining-room and fill my tummy with the best berries in the world!
Tschüs to you all.
Another day in Paradise
Anyway today was a day for changes. My old calender and cellphone were replaced and put away somewhere deep in my closet so a new phone and calender could take they´re places. I also had some luxury-candy and picked blueberries and mushrooms with my family.
Now I´ve got to go, ´cuz it´s time for my daily smoothie. I can´t believe it´s already autumn...I was just making plans for the summer! Beware mr. G, when I come to Portoroz we´ll rock the town and for every "no" or "it´s not summer now" my responde will be "Frankly my dear, I don´t give a damn!"

A crayfish party is a traditional summertime eating and drinking celebration in the Nordic countries. The tradition originated in Sweden, where a crayfish party is called a "kräftskiva". Crayfish parties are generally held during August, a tradition that started because crayfish harvesting in Sweden was, for most of the 20th century, legally limited to late summer. A rowdy atmosphere prevails amid noisy eating and traditional drinking songs (snapsvisa). It is culturally correct to suck the juice out of the crayfish before shelling it. The crayfish are boiled in salt water and eaten togheter with garlic-bread. Akvavit and other kinds of snaps are served, as well as beer.

I´m cool
That´s exactly what you would think with these pumps on:) But then again, I always feel way cooler than I should...I wish everyone would :)

Friday 21.08.09
Work from 7.00 to 13.30. Then off to our local food-store to buy food for the weekend with mum. In the evening mum, dad and I watched "The Proposal"...really funny actually ;) And cosy...rainy and dark outside, perfect time to cuddle up in the sofa and watch a good movie :) My other two siblings where out somewhere but I was so beat from work so watching a romantic comedy was about all I could handle. I work both Saturday and Sunday so I´ll be heading to bed with my MP3 and "Break the Ice" soon.
Btw, summer is almost over (not in Portoroz though where I´ll be spending entire September ;) and I have had my eyes open for a fresh new autumn warderobe for some time now. What do you say about these outfits?...that´s so me :) I simply adore leather-gloves, cute tops, blazers, jeans, high-heels and antique jewellery when it comes to autumn.

Schwartzkopf Gliss Schampoo - Hair Repair
Garnier: Natural Respons schampoo
Schwartzkopf Intensive Care Conditioner
Naturelle Deo
Jeune Facial Mask
17-08-09 Monday - Göteborg
But despite my poor feet I had a wonderful day :) Wouldn´t you agree after looking at these photos?

My favourites.

Landvetter Airport, Göteborg.

Guess the shoe? Haha...the light-brown is mine. Not comfortable let me tell you!

We were looking for a fun destination for our next trip. Maybe Stockholm or Amesterdam?

Uncomfortable shoes and shopping = not a good match!

14-08-09 Friday

A fine day indeed 7.8.09

Day off 4.8.09
I didn´t work today because it was my day off. After lunch I went down to the local supermarket and bought some icecream (cravings!!!) and got my new cell-phone (slide, I´m all about flip-flop phones, but there´s nothing wrong with a small change once in a while). Guess what kind of ringtone I have? "Baby, I can see your halo, halo, halo...." Sweet!

Birthday and family-day

Birthday planning
Tomorrow´s mum birthday! 50th birthday! That´s pretty huge. My father had his 50th birthday last year and my sister turned 18 in yeah, a lot of big celebrations during these couple of years. Can´t wait until tomorrow, my sister and I decided we´ll do a big chocolate cake with a lot of different fruit and white chocolate and to make a yummy breakfast before everyone else wakes up...let´s see how that goes, shall we? I have three days off from work, starting tomorrow and on Friday I start at 14.30. Mum´s alreday made clear to all of us were going to the forrest to pick blueberries on Wednesday. I do hope her plan for Thursday is chillin´.
I´m beat after work and everything else I´ve done today but my sister and I have some planning to do for tomorrow before we can rest our little heads. And I have to find the movie "Nearing Grace"...I know I have it somewhere...
Busy night awaits us.

If I could choose wherever I wanted to live in the world it would probably be: a smaller town like Everwood somewhere in Colorado or maybe in Canada, New York (of course), Portoroz (where I most likely will end up (I mean permanent)), a castle somewhere in Scotland with mountains and a big lake just oustide, Barcelona (I really like this town) or/and Brisbane in Australia. These places are all so different from eachother. Where can you picture me living the rest of my life? A hill-billie in Colorado, a glamouzon in NYC, a surfgirl in Portoroz, an art-freak/soccer-fan in Barcelona, a girl far far from home becoming an Aussie or a tea-drinking snob with pearls and skirts in a castle in Scotland?
I´m not hard to please, now am I?

Places in Sweden

Pictures. From left to right: Marstrand, Öland, Vadstena, Gränna, Visingsö and Brahehus.
The ultimate normal are you?
I found this funny quiz on the net where you have to choose your favourites. Are you very normal, medium normal or so abnormal that there´s no words to describe it? looks like I´m medium normal...wonder what I did wrong? It must be beacuse I chose Harry Potter!
(this one was really difficult, I like them both, but I was "faithful" to HP long before Twilight so...)

2) Summer -
(this one was difficult too)

(this one was easy though, stupid to even ask such an obvious question :)

(I feel better after eating fruit, I just get tired from candy)

5) Pepsi -
(always and forever)

6) Kaká -
(do they need to ask? I mean honestly!)

(only been to New York, so yes my choice is New York)

(what´s the deal with HP vs. Twilight anyway?)

(Baby, I can see your halo, halo, halo...)

10) Chace Crawford -
(is this a rhetorcial question or what?)

and so on and so on...another million choices!
Healthy choices
Or I make a cup of hot green tea without sugar. It´s really good for your skin. During the day I drink a lot of water. I can´t emphasize enough how important it´s to drink plain spring-water. It´s defintely a big factor in maintaining your health.
A couple of times a week I make smoothies which can include all from carrots and melon to blackberries and apples. And of course without sugar. I don´t have any recipes but make them based on what I´m in the mood for or simply what´s in my fridge. My mum and I are addicted to smoothies. If I had to choose a favourite I would probably choose a smoothie made of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, vanilla yoghurt and topped with shredded cocoanut.
I also belive very much in having a fresh oragnic juice, especially green juice and eating for your blood-type.
A real speciality I´ve learned to love and which my mother also has started to appreciate is my "avocado-with-potatoes". Basically I slice an avocado and put on potatoe-salad, topped with slices of fresh tomatoe. It´s really important to eat your "greens" every day.
I´m not a vegetarian even though I don´t eat a lot of meat. But I do think meat is important for you and try to eat it at least once or twice a week. What I do love is fish, all kinds of fish. Tuna-fish is not just healthy is also heavenly. You can have it on pasta with some veggies, you can put it on a slice of bread with tomatoes and olive-oil or make a salad consisting of tunafish, tomatoes, mozzarella,oregano and olive-oil.
And don´t forget to sleep at least eight hours every night and spend time out in the fresh air!

Even though I believe it´s important to think about what you eat and try to eat as much veggies as possible and drink a lot of water, you should also allow yourself to eat "unhealthy" food from time to time...but think about the balance! Balance is the key to everything!
In the garden
Ok, I´ll just post some photos before my "pre-work shower" ;) And if I have time I´ll practise the piano before work. Busy day today. Ciao!

Grilled salmon
So this is what I made for supper today. Grilled salmon, creme fraiche, iceberg lettuce, coctail-tomatoes, lemon (squesed lemon-juice) and mini-potatoes (färskpotatis). Yummy! It´s really easy to make and doesn´t take long time to could call it fastfood, healthy fastfood :) Normally my father´s the expert on really complicated dishes with sauces, cooking-leaves and spices from all over the world (we always buy spices and other "cooking-things" when we travel) and he always finds meat and fish I´ve never even heard about. And he´s a mushroom-expert. When you eat my father´s food you feel like your in a luxurious restaurant. But I think I amazed everyone with my brunch in April! :) And my sister makes this delicious dish consisting of bacon, creme fraiche, mushrooms and pasta...and some other stuff. Can´t give away the recipe because it´s a secret ;) And as I already declared: my mother is a Pizza-God. And my brother? Well, his scrambled eggs are tasty.
Ok, off to the living room now with my plate, a couple of episodes of 2 1/2 men awaits me. And perhaps a bowl of ice-cream and a good movie after (maybe I´ll watch "The Duchess" my father sent me via skype :)
Cherious :)

One more week to go
Only one week left until the Indians, I mean, my family returns. What to do, what to do? I know! Enjoy the time left to maximun. Of course I can´t wait to see them again but it has been so peaceful with just my dog, my brother and me in the house...I´ve lived in harmony with myself, all my thoughts and the nature...oh-ou, don´t like where this is going! Don´t go all hippie and flower-power on me now!
But let´s just say that I have really enjoyed being "alone" in Sweden (and btw, this is not the first summer I´ve been left alone with my brother and dog while the rest of the family-members are having the time of their lives, it´s actually the third summer now and guess what? I´m lovin´it! Ooooooooo, I haven´t eaten at McDonald´s for ages...really love their chicken-salad and baby-carrots).
And I found the perfect spot for my future house. This is where I want to live (ok, we all know I want to live in Portoroz), this is more what kind of view I want. I don´t know about the terrace though. But it´s charming in it´s own weird, wait a´s perfect. Imagine eating breakfast here every morning. A plate full of fruit, a refreshing smoothie or ice-tea (green) and a newpaper and of course the view, the view, people!
The arrow shows where we (my family and my grandparents have our house now). It´s a beautiful location as well looking down on Bernardin, but I like my "future-view" better ;)
And I really want a sandbeach beneath the house. The photo is from Barcelona, but you get the picture.