One more week to go
Only one week left until the Indians, I mean, my family returns. What to do, what to do? I know! Enjoy the time left to maximun. Of course I can´t wait to see them again but it has been so peaceful with just my dog, my brother and me in the house...I´ve lived in harmony with myself, all my thoughts and the nature...oh-ou, don´t like where this is going! Don´t go all hippie and flower-power on me now!
But let´s just say that I have really enjoyed being "alone" in Sweden (and btw, this is not the first summer I´ve been left alone with my brother and dog while the rest of the family-members are having the time of their lives, it´s actually the third summer now and guess what? I´m lovin´it! Ooooooooo, I haven´t eaten at McDonald´s for ages...really love their chicken-salad and baby-carrots).
And I found the perfect spot for my future house. This is where I want to live (ok, we all know I want to live in Portoroz), this is more what kind of view I want. I don´t know about the terrace though. But it´s charming in it´s own weird, wait a´s perfect. Imagine eating breakfast here every morning. A plate full of fruit, a refreshing smoothie or ice-tea (green) and a newpaper and of course the view, the view, people!
The arrow shows where we (my family and my grandparents have our house now). It´s a beautiful location as well looking down on Bernardin, but I like my "future-view" better ;)
And I really want a sandbeach beneath the house. The photo is from Barcelona, but you get the picture.