Healthy choices
I like to start my day off with (hot) water and half a squesed fresh lemon to "clean" the body. We need to wash the inside of our bodies with water after a night´s sleep beacause we are usually slightly dehydrated in the morning. This also fills me with energy for the whole day, even if I go up at 5 a.m. some mornings!
Or I make a cup of hot green tea without sugar. It´s really good for your skin. During the day I drink a lot of water. I can´t emphasize enough how important it´s to drink plain spring-water. It´s defintely a big factor in maintaining your health.
A couple of times a week I make smoothies which can include all from carrots and melon to blackberries and apples. And of course without sugar. I don´t have any recipes but make them based on what I´m in the mood for or simply what´s in my fridge. My mum and I are addicted to smoothies. If I had to choose a favourite I would probably choose a smoothie made of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, vanilla yoghurt and topped with shredded cocoanut.
I also belive very much in having a fresh oragnic juice, especially green juice and eating for your blood-type.
A real speciality I´ve learned to love and which my mother also has started to appreciate is my "avocado-with-potatoes". Basically I slice an avocado and put on potatoe-salad, topped with slices of fresh tomatoe. It´s really important to eat your "greens" every day.
I´m not a vegetarian even though I don´t eat a lot of meat. But I do think meat is important for you and try to eat it at least once or twice a week. What I do love is fish, all kinds of fish. Tuna-fish is not just healthy is also heavenly. You can have it on pasta with some veggies, you can put it on a slice of bread with tomatoes and olive-oil or make a salad consisting of tunafish, tomatoes, mozzarella,oregano and olive-oil.
And don´t forget to sleep at least eight hours every night and spend time out in the fresh air!

Even though I believe it´s important to think about what you eat and try to eat as much veggies as possible and drink a lot of water, you should also allow yourself to eat "unhealthy" food from time to time...but think about the balance! Balance is the key to everything!
Or I make a cup of hot green tea without sugar. It´s really good for your skin. During the day I drink a lot of water. I can´t emphasize enough how important it´s to drink plain spring-water. It´s defintely a big factor in maintaining your health.
A couple of times a week I make smoothies which can include all from carrots and melon to blackberries and apples. And of course without sugar. I don´t have any recipes but make them based on what I´m in the mood for or simply what´s in my fridge. My mum and I are addicted to smoothies. If I had to choose a favourite I would probably choose a smoothie made of strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, vanilla yoghurt and topped with shredded cocoanut.
I also belive very much in having a fresh oragnic juice, especially green juice and eating for your blood-type.
A real speciality I´ve learned to love and which my mother also has started to appreciate is my "avocado-with-potatoes". Basically I slice an avocado and put on potatoe-salad, topped with slices of fresh tomatoe. It´s really important to eat your "greens" every day.
I´m not a vegetarian even though I don´t eat a lot of meat. But I do think meat is important for you and try to eat it at least once or twice a week. What I do love is fish, all kinds of fish. Tuna-fish is not just healthy is also heavenly. You can have it on pasta with some veggies, you can put it on a slice of bread with tomatoes and olive-oil or make a salad consisting of tunafish, tomatoes, mozzarella,oregano and olive-oil.
And don´t forget to sleep at least eight hours every night and spend time out in the fresh air!

Even though I believe it´s important to think about what you eat and try to eat as much veggies as possible and drink a lot of water, you should also allow yourself to eat "unhealthy" food from time to time...but think about the balance! Balance is the key to everything!