Autumn in Slovenia
Summer is over even for Slovenia. Time for captivating books and raindrops on the window, walks on red and yellow leaves, mittens and scarves, tea and chestnuts.

Cosy Fridays
Every Friday when I´m in Sweden we (mum, my sister and I) at 16.00 drive to the supermarket to buy food for the weekend. When we come home we slice some fruit or veggies or we eat chips while dad, my sister and I watch a new horror-movie. That´s our tradition and I can´t wait to go back to Sweden to be a part of it again. And I absolutely love to cuddle up in the sofa in the afternoons with a good book while it´s raining or snowing outside...can´t wait for the Christmas-holidays!

Those fresh champignon are delicious together with some creme fraiche.

I apologize, but yes it´s Twilight...again! And Robert Pattinson...again!

Those fresh champignon are delicious together with some creme fraiche.

I apologize, but yes it´s Twilight...again! And Robert Pattinson...again!
Wonderful Bohinj

Sunset in Portoroz

It's Bob Marley time!

A busy day

Shopping in Koper

Beautiful Things

J.K. Pirat and Kanela Bar


A night out in Portoroz



Bernardin and Piran



Happy Birthday
Happy Brithday to me, happy birthday indeed. The first to congratulate me was my dear friend Ida (100 points to you ;). I've now come to an age when I try to forget about my own birthday. Hallo, I'm 24! Better check out a good retiring home...
Anyway, I'm in Ljubljana, everybody else are either in Sweden or somewhere else on vacation. But that's cool. I'll celebrate the big day on Sunday anyway. At the moment I'm at the Univeristy and will soon be heading to the centre of the city (where everything happends) (walking distance from home= 20 minutes, from university= 10 mintes). I feel I need to buy something today and shirts feel so right this autumn. And I don't mean those cute little blouses for women (eh, those are so last year) but man-shirts. Jeans, comfortable boots/pumps and a comfortable shirt is what I want...and need.

Later in the afternoon.
Bought a wonderful shirt and on my way back home (didn't take the bus, because it was such nice weather) I stopped for a Jamba Juice-to-go. Also got a phone-call and tried to handle my purse, my shoppingbag, my Jamba Juice and the phone, like a professional (a la Hollywood star!) Oh, well...LA next?
We're now sitting in our apartment, my brother and I and trying to decide what Chineese take-out we want for my Birthday-dinner. I'm definitely going for the shrimp-chips ;)
We actully went out to eat, instead of a take-out-dinner. Much better :)

Anyway, I'm in Ljubljana, everybody else are either in Sweden or somewhere else on vacation. But that's cool. I'll celebrate the big day on Sunday anyway. At the moment I'm at the Univeristy and will soon be heading to the centre of the city (where everything happends) (walking distance from home= 20 minutes, from university= 10 mintes). I feel I need to buy something today and shirts feel so right this autumn. And I don't mean those cute little blouses for women (eh, those are so last year) but man-shirts. Jeans, comfortable boots/pumps and a comfortable shirt is what I want...and need.

Later in the afternoon.
Bought a wonderful shirt and on my way back home (didn't take the bus, because it was such nice weather) I stopped for a Jamba Juice-to-go. Also got a phone-call and tried to handle my purse, my shoppingbag, my Jamba Juice and the phone, like a professional (a la Hollywood star!) Oh, well...LA next?
We're now sitting in our apartment, my brother and I and trying to decide what Chineese take-out we want for my Birthday-dinner. I'm definitely going for the shrimp-chips ;)
We actully went out to eat, instead of a take-out-dinner. Much better :)

Autumn lunches in the city